If you have any questions then hopefully this page will hit the spot

How far will you travel?

We will travel anywhere! But travelling does incur a cost.

How much do you charge for travel?

We charge on a mileage basis but for longer distances, we may have to also charge for overnight accommodation – please contact us for a quote.

How many children can watch each show?

We set our audience size to approximately 150 pupils. From our experience any audience size bigger than this reduces the enjoyment / involvement level of the children. If your audience size is any bigger than 150 – contact us to discuss.

How long do the shows last?

Kids in Space 50 mins

Team Tim is 1 hour

RoboKids is 35 mins

Biggest Rocket Ever Built! 50 mins

Where do you set up?

We set up in the assembly hall – no need for a stage. If you have stage lights – we would love to use them.

How long does it take for you to set up?

Kids in Space & The Biggest Rocket Ever Built! take 1 hour

Team Tim takes 30 mins

RoboKids takes 45 mins

How long does it take you to pack away?

It takes us approximately 30 minutes to pack away

How much hall space do you require?

The answer to this depends on the show. Please contact us to find out more.

Can we have a Q & A session after the shows?

Yes! We are always happy to answer a few questions at the end of our shows.

How do I book a show for my school?

Please contact us via our contact form, email or telephone to arrange a date and time. You will then be asked to fill in a booking form to confirm the booking.

How much does a show cost?

Please see our pricing page for details

Can we take photos during the show?

Yes, we love you to take photos. There are great photo opportunities throughout the shows  when the children are on stage assisting the performers. We are also happy to have some photos at the end of the shows.



The biggest rocket ever built show with Jo Fox and EDA students
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