So you’re thinking of booking in 1 or more shows and wondered what to do next!? Then don’t worry as we’ve put together a checklist below to help you on your way including some extra useful links that just might make life slightly easier.
- Choose which show you would like.
- Email or telephone Spacefund to discuss a date and time and travel costs.
- Fill in the booking form to confirm your booking
- Download our Further Learning Materials and look at our suggestions for things to help you plan an exciting day / week / term of fun space activities
- Book out the school hall for the time of the show including 1 hour for set up, 50 mins for the show and 30 mins for packing away
- ‘Follow’ us on Twitter, ‘like’ us on Facebook and tell everyone we are coming!
- Welcome! We aim to arrive at least 1 hour before the show is due to start.
- Allocate a parking space as near to the hall as possible (we have quite a lot of equipment to bring in.)
- Tea! We never turn down an offer of a cup of tea!
- Have a camera ready – we love you to take photos throughout the show and afterwards for your displays and school website.
- Fill in our evaluation form and tell us what you thought of the show.
- Put up pictures, write about the show in your newsletter and website.
- Book us for next year! Why not try a different show?
- Send us some drawings and letters from the children so we can post them on our website.
- Tell your friends all about us on Twitter and Facebook and your website.

These links below may just answer any extra questions you have
FAQ – click here
Contact us – click here
Our shows – click here
Gallery – click here